Update on SHYC

Posted by Dylan Baldock on October 08, 2023 · 2 mins read

As some may know, the Surrey Heath Youth Council has been facing some challenges recently.

SHYC has been delivered by the Eikon Charity for over a decade, working on projects that have had a significant impact on the community. Before that, they were run by Surrey Heath Borough Council.

However, at the end of June, our members were informed about Eikon’s plan to stop supporting SHYC from the summer. This meant that we had to start looking for alternative organizations to support SHYC, but we haven’t had any luck so far. Nevertheless, hope is not lost, as we are in contact with Surrey Heath Borough Council, who passed a motion on 28/07/23 in support of SHYC. We are exploring options within the Council and using their connections to assist in finding an alternative partner.

A report is due to go to the executive of the council this month, providing an update on the current situation of SHYC.

SHYC has been a pivotal aspect in the representation of young people in our community. We have completed many local projects, including fundraisers for food banks, anti-stigma training, and much more.

SHYC has been such an important part of my life for the last few years, and it shouldn’t stop now. We have so many dedicated young people who are ready to campaign and fight for young people. If any members of the executive are reading this, please support the continuation of SHYC and continue the fight for young people in Surrey Heath.

Thank you for reading, and please share this post. The more people who know about the situation, the higher the chance that we can continue. Thank you.